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What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

Plasma, often referred to as the fourth state of matter, is created when gas is energized to the point that its atoms lose electrons, forming ions. This state of matter, distinct from solids, liquids, and gases, is found naturally in lightning and the sun but can also be generated artificially for various applications, including air purification.

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

What is Plasma Air Purification?

When you hear the word plasma, it often brings to mind electricity or high energy. Plasma air purifiers harness this energy by using an electrical charge to break down contaminants in the air. These devices work by using ultraviolet (UV) light to create an electrical charge. The UV light energy breaks apart the molecules of contaminants, and the electrical charge draws these particles toward the device, trapping them on a collector plate. Clean air is then released back into the room.

Plasma air purification not only saves up to 30% in energy costs but also boasts an impressive 99% success rate in removing contaminants. With minimal operational and maintenance costs, it is a highly feasible option for homeowners. In cooker hoods, plasma air purifiers effectively remove grease, smoke, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ensuring a cleaner kitchen environment.

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

How Plasma Works in Air Purification

Plasma Ionization: The core of plasma-based air purification lies in the process of plasma ionization. During this process, electric fields generate ions—charged particles in the air. These ions actively seek out and attach themselves to harmful airborne particles such as dust, allergens, bacteria, and viruses. By binding to these particles, ions make them heavier, causing them to settle out of the air and onto surfaces. This reduces the number of airborne contaminants, improving indoor air quality.

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

Combining Plasma with UVC Technology: The innovative Plasma+ System by Ciarra enhances plasma ionization by integrating UVC technology. UVC light is known for its disinfectant properties, capable of neutralizing microorganisms. This dual approach ensures that not only are particles removed from the air, but any residual microorganisms are also effectively neutralized, enhancing the overall cleanliness and safety of the indoor environment.

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

The Ciarra ONE: A Revolutionary Plasma-Integrated Extractor Hob

The Ciarra ONE represents a groundbreaking application of plasma technology in kitchen appliances. As the world’s first plasma-integrated extractor hob, it utilizes the Plasma+ System to ensure that cooking fumes and odors are not just captured but also purified. This innovation not only keeps the kitchen air clean but also prevents the recirculation of contaminants, setting a new standard for kitchen air quality management.

What Is Plasma and How It Works in Air Purification

Benefits of Plasma-Based Air Purification

  1. Effective Contaminant Removal:Plasma ionization effectively targets and removes a wide range of airborne pollutants, including dust, allergens, bacteria, and viruses.
  2. Enhanced Air Quality:By reducing the presence of harmful particles, plasma air purification systems contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
  3. No Residual Ozone:Ciarra’s Plasma+ System ensures that no residual ozone, which can be harmful, is left behind.
  4. Comprehensive Solution:The integration of UVC technology adds an extra layer of protection, neutralizing microorganisms and ensuring cleaner air.


Plasma technology, with its advanced ionization process, offers a powerful solution for air purification. Ciarra’s innovative use of this technology in both the Plasma+ System and the Ciarra ONE extractor hob highlights the potential for plasma to revolutionize air quality management in various settings, particularly in our homes. As we continue to seek ways to improve indoor air quality, plasma stands out as a key player in creating healthier living environments.

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